
Video: Tragedy: One-year-old Roma girl dies a day after being placed in a foster family, her father seeks answers

On the afternoon of September 4, a one-year-old girl from Pečenjevac near Leskovac was placed in a foster family in the village of Šarlince, and the next morning her father was informed that his daughter had died. According to still unofficial information from pneumonia.

The unhappy father claims that the document for his consent to hand over the child to foster care was literally forged, and the Center for Social Work denies this.

"I'm just looking for answers." Three weeks have passed since then, and I don't know anything, nor have they told me anything at the Center for Social Work. They brought my dead child home without any documents, I buried him without a death certificate, and the autopsy report is still not there," said Denis Demirovic, the father of the deceased girl.

The director of the Center for Social Work, Predrag Momčilović, claims that Demirović voluntarily gave his consent that day for the two girls to be placed in a foster family and that all legal procedures were followed.

For the case of the death, he adds, the investigation procedure is being conducted before the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Leskovac, and the autopsy report has not yet been fully completed.

In the child's electronic health records, it can be seen that on August 19, he was taken to the doctor because of a sore throat," Momcilovic points out. .

The father, on the other hand, claims that the child was completely healthy when he handed him over to social workers.

"It is true that he had a fever a week ago. I took her to the doctor on August 26, 27, 28 and 29. After that, she was completely healthy. Did the doctor give the wrong treatment? But if it is as they claim, why was the child not examined by doctors before being taken to a foster family? Does this mean that the social workers were irresponsible and did not respect the legal procedures?" Demirovic doubts.

The director confirms that the child was placed with a foster parent without a previous medical examination.

There is an announcement on social networks that the REU organization offered to give the Demirović family free legal assistance, but unfortunately, Mr. Imer Kajtazi did not appear at the scheduled meeting with the REU president. For what reasons it is not yet known, the president of the REU Parliament, Tanja Jovanović Milovanović, announced on her FB profile.



Czech Police charge two Romani men and one Ukrainian over street brawl in Pardubice

The police have charged three men with rioting because of their involvement in the mass brawl between Romani and Ukrainian people that took place on 1 July in Pardubice, Czech Republic. The prosecutor's statement indirectly revealed that two of those charged are Romani and one is a Ukrainian citizen. The investigation is expected to be closed by the end of this month. The incident sparked protests by some Romani people. Police originally suspected three foreign nationals of rioting, but persons from both communities are now being prosecuted. “The police started the prosecution of a total of three persons for the offense of rioting under Section 358 para. 1 of the Penal Code. Two of the accused are Czech citizens and one is a Ukrainian citizen,” prosecutor Aleš Veselý told

Similar demonstrations by Romani residents were held this summer in 

 in the Teplice district. Representatives of the city, police, and the Romani and Ukrainian communities came together in Pardubice on 3 July to discuss the situation.





UN Decries ‘Structural Discrimination’ Facing Serbs and Roma in Croatia

The nine-member family had found a home to buy in the village of Hlebine in northern Croatia. There was only one problem: they were Roma.

In August, villagers in Hlebine threatened to protest outside the house of the mayor of the neighbouring municipality, Novigrad Podravski, convinced that he had persuaded the family to vacate the municipality in favour of Hlebine.

The owner of the family’s prospective new home came to the mayor’s aid, announcing that he would tear up the sale agreement. Everyone was happy, except for the Roma.

Such situations are not unusual in Medjimurje, a northern county that is home to the biggest population of Roma in Croatia.

Earlier in August, after the River Drava burst its banks, several families who had evacuated their homes returned to find them raised. But not by the floods. The police have still to find out who was responsible.

I fear a repeat of the same scenario from four years ago when a young family bought a house and someone wrote on it, ‘We don’t want Gypsies’. Their barn was set on fire.

This is the reality for Croatia’s Roma community, a situation underscored by a United Nations report issued at the end of August that also highlighted the plight of minority Serbs.

Both are stigmatised and their right to education and employment undermined, it said. The Roma are also ghettoised.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination called on Croatia to adopt “special measures necessary to eliminate the existing structural discrimination that affects the Roma and the Serb minority groups and remove all obstacles that prevent the enjoyment of their economic, social and cultural rights”.

According to Natalija Havelka, executive director of the Osijek-based Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights, which contributed to the UN report, 92.3 percent of Roma in Croatia are classified as poor and about 70 percent of Roma families live in extreme poverty.

“The state is obliged to fulfil its obligations in order to protect its citizens, individuals and groups,” Havelka told BIRN.




Discrimination against Roma is still widespread in Germany

Germany's leading Roma and Sinti group recorded hundreds of cases of discrimination and racism against the minority community in the past year, a report said, warning that rising nationalism and right-wing extremism are contributing to violence against minorities in Germany.

The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma said that of the 621 incidents recorded, the majority were cases of discrimination and "verbal stereotyping". 11 cases of threats, 17 attacks and one case of "extreme violence" were also recorded, the group stated, adding that racism against Roma and Sinti is probably much higher because many cases are not reported.

Roma and Sinti are recognized minorities in Germany. About 60,000 Sinti and 10,000 Roma live in Germany, according to data from the German Federal Agency for Civic Education.

The report "clearly shows the dangers of growing nationalism and right-wing extremism, which in turn leads to aggression and violence against Sinti and Roma and other minorities," Romani Rose, head of the group, told reporters in Berlin.

The report also stated that around half of the recorded cases of discrimination occurred "at the institutional level", meaning that Roma and Sinti were discriminated against by employees of state institutions such as the police, social welfare offices, employment centers or municipal administrations responsible for taking care of refugees.

"The state must finally take responsibility and guarantee the protection of Sinti and Roma from violence, exclusion and discrimination," said Mehmet Daimagueler, the German government's commissioner for combating anti-Gypsyism.

During Nazi Germany between 220,000 and 500,000 European Sinti and Roma were deported and killed




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