
Zuzana Kumanová: Fico's would-be assassin admired Kotleba and identified with mass murderers of Romani people in Slovakia

Slovakia was shaken by the report of an assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico. After a local cabinet session in Handlová, the PM made the unusual decision to greet local people and shots were fired at him from the crowd. This is an unimaginable scenario. However, in Slovakia we have long witnessed polarization here, furrows being plowed between different groups in society. Hatred and intolerance are present in public life. It's true that Romani people have always encountered such attitudes here, but other groups are taken aback when they become the targets of hatred. An acquaintance of mine posted to social media that he does not believe this is Slovakia’s “Sarajevo”, in other words, it won’t spark a civil war. I also believe it probably will not lead to more violence, but aren’t we already in a hybrid civil war right now?

The assassin is allegedly 71-year-old Juraj C., whom the media have managed to identify as the author of several books who lives in Levice, an older, eccentric man playing the role of a somewhat unconventional person who is somewhat provocative. However, it turns out that he is the author of a fairly extensive book (262 pages) entitled Efeta, which can be characterized by this excerpt: “There have never been as many shameless gypsies in Europe as there are today. They see the social systems and know very well how to exploit them. The state is not solving this problem, it’s just nibbling at it around the edges. A hundred thousand Slovak gypsies want the favor of the whites, but they’ll never tell us that… Let’s be strict and just toward them…”




May 16, Remembrance of the Roma Resistance

… The Nazis intended to exterminate the Roma completely by May 1944. On May 15, SS head of the "Gypsy" camp Georg Bonigut orders the prisoners to remain in their barracks. The next day, 50 to 60 SS soldiers surrounded the camp. They tried to drive the prisoners out of their barracks, but failed.

On May 16, 1944, men, women and children from the so-called Gypsy camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, having been warned in advance by members of the resistance in the camp, organized themselves to resist the SS soldiers who came that evening to lead them to the gas chambers. Fearing unnecessary losses, as some of the prisoners were ex-members of the German army and lest the resistance spread to other parts of the camp, the SS soldiers retreated.

But inhumane measures followed such resistance. The prisoners from the "Gypsy" camp were also deprived of that small portion of food that they received daily...

On May 23, the SS troops returned and over 1,500 Roma from Birkenau were taken to Auschwitz from where they were sent to Buchenwald. Two days later, 82 Roma were sent to the Flossenburg camp and 144 Roma women to Ravensbruck. Fewer than 3,000 people remained in the so-called "gypsy family camp", mostly women, children and frail elderly people. Their murder took place on the night between August 2 and 3, 1944, and despite the resistance they gave, 2,897 Roma were loaded onto trucks and taken to gas chamber number V, where they were killed and their bodies burned..."

Svitavy, Czech Republic: Man threatens young Romani family with an axe and a firearm, allegedly calling them "black monkeys", but police say there is no proof of racial motivation yet

A young Romani family from Svitavy, Czech Republic has become the victim of an attack by an older man who allegedly shouted death threats and racist abuse at them. He is also alleged to have aimed a firearm that was not loaded at the male partner of a young Romani woman and to have pulled the trigger.

The incident transpired on Friday, 3 May around 18:00 when the young Romani woman and her boyfriend parked their car outside their relatives’ home. Police have confirmed to news server that they are investigating the case but say there is no proof the attack was racially motivated. “I can confirm the incident transpired on 3 May 2024 around 18:00 in Svitavy. We are investigating,” police spokesperson Markéta Janovská told news server

“As we were driving back from the store, we drove down the street where my aunt lives, and she’d just gotten into her own car with her kids. We parked and chatted with her for a moment,” said the young Romani woman, whose identity is known to and who has asked to remain anonymous. “At that moment an older gentleman drove up and became enraged because he couldn’t drive past. My boyfriend moved the car and made room for him, but the man waved his fist at us and began to shout threats. He stopped his car, got out, and shouted ‘Gypsies, you black monkeys, I’m going to kill you’,” the young Romani woman recalled with horror.

According to her, the situation escalated fast. The man, who was unknown to the Romani family, allegedly first pulled a black axe out of his car and waved it in their direction.

Next, he took a firearm out and aimed it directly at the woman’s partner. “He clicked the gun as if loading it, and fortunately he apparently did not have any bullets in it. We were in shock,” the young Romani woman related to

It is not clear what kind of firearm was involved, whether an actual gun or an air or gas-propelled one. An eyewitness was on the scene who saw the entire incident and allegedly also filmed it.


What is the situation of the Roma in Serbia: "Every day I hear bad comments. People won't sit nextto me on the bus"

Biljana Tasić is a teacher of the Romani language at the "Branko Pešić" Elementary School, the only one in Belgrade where Romani is taught as an optional subject. Her path to education was not easy - she and her two older sisters were raised by a single mother. As she says, all three, now academic citizens, had the most problems in elementary school, where they were the target of peer discrimination.

In addition to discrimination, poverty and early Romani child marriages, which, Tasić emphasizes, are not part of the Romani tradition, represent the biggest obstacles faced by young Romani men and women. - I know it is not easy when there is no one, when poverty presses in, when the cold presses in, when there is no food, clothes and shoes. It's all very difficult, but it's not impossible to overcome. That's why I would like to encourage everyone, dream your dream and don't give up on it because someone will discourage you and say you're not for it - says Biljana Tasić for "Blic" television. Such motivational words are not lacking in her pedagogical approach, so it is not surprising that she is one of the favorite teachers at school.

She instilled good work habits in Aleksandar and Filip Trajković. They are currently finishing high school and making academic plans. In their free time, they play music, and have recently been active in the National Theatre. Although they are now accepted in their immediate environment, this is not always the case. Ugly words affect them, but as they mature, they learn to ignore mean comments.

- I meet mostly every day, sometimes less sometimes more. It mostly happens in society, those looks, sometimes I hear whispers among people. No one will sit next to me on the bus - say the Trajkovići.



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Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


6-to Romano Čhavorikanoo muzikakoro festivali 
„Čhavorikano Suno 2022“ – SP BTR

6-ти Ромски Детски музички фестивал
„Детски Сон 2022„ – СП БТР

6th Romani Children's Music Festival
"Children's Dream 2022" - SP BTR

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