
Serbia: Complaints to the Ombudsman are most often submitted by Roma

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, announced that, when it comes to nationality, complaints are most often filed by Roma, and in a much smaller number by members of Bosniak, Croatian, Albanian and other national minorities.

Janković met with the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities, Kairat Abdrahmanov, they discussed the anti-discrimination legal framework, discrimination based on nationality and opportunities for improving the equality of national minorities.

Abdrahmanov gave a very positive assessment of the normative framework of Serbia in the area of ​​protection and realization of the rights of national minorities, as well as the degree of implementation of regulations.

He supported the work of the institution and emphasized the importance of the successful multi-year cooperation between the OSCE and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, especially in the field of media, the fight against hate speech and the suppression of other forms of discrimination.



Lety u Písku, site of activism: Debate in Prague

 "Lety u Písku, site of activism" is the name of a discussion being held today at 16:00 at the National Memorial on Prague's Vítkov Hill by the Centre for the Roma and Sinti in Prague, a specialized workplace of the Museum of Romani Culture. In 2017, the industrial pig farm that had been built over the location of the former WWII-era concentration camp for Roma and Sinti at Lety was purchased by the Czech state in order to build a new Lety u Písku Memorial to the Holocaust of the Roma and Sinti in Bohemia.

According to those convening the discussion, the journey toward that historical moment was not easy. The first documented efforts to turn the site into a place of reverence date to the 1960s.

How difficult was it for those voices and all the other subsequent voices to face the lack of interest or unwillingness of Czech society to deal with the Holocaust of the Roma and Sinti? Does the future Lety memorial symbolize Czech society coming to terms with the Nazi persecution of the Roma and Sinti during the Second World War?



Which Roma from the region have the hardest time paying their bills?

The percentage of Roma whose salaries and other incomes decreased during the covid-19 pandemic in North Macedonia is 59, in contrast to the regional average, which is around 50 percent. There was an increase in income, on the other hand, for only one percent

Every second Roma in the Western Balkans has had their income reduced during the covid-19 pandemic, and the majority (64 percent) fear that they will lose their jobs in the next 12 months.

On the other hand, online teaching is more difficult for every second Roma child compared to teaching with physical presence, and even three out of four Roma children did not receive help during online lectures, both from their teachers and classmates.

These are part of the results of the research presented today at the regional conference on the socioeconomic impact of covid-19 on Roma from the Western Balkans, organized by the Roma Integration Project of the Council for Regional Cooperation (SRS).

Education and employment are the two areas where the pandemic has most affected this population.

Analysis: Social networks are full of prejudices and hate speech towards the Roma

According to the conclusions of the analysts in the project, it is evident that anti-Roma sentiment is on the rise on the Internet.

"The trend of normalizing hate speech against Roma continues. Today, such speech is spread not only by members of ultra-right groups, but also by "ordinary" people or political parties," say Selma Muhic Dizdarevic and Jitka Votavova, authors of a study on anti-Gypsyism.

"Fake news, fraud and manipulation are used as instruments to spread hatred. The trend of so-called humorous racism is also on the rise, creating a combination of irony, mockery and humiliation that is particularly attractive to young people," the authors say.

They add that the trend of relativizing or openly denying the historical facts related to the genocide against the Roma during the Second World War continues.

"There are often accusations that there is a special kind of 'Roma crime' or that Roma have an advantage over other residents," the report said, citing fraud related to free medicine or higher social benefits for Roma.



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