
Spain: Football match interrupted over racist insults. Seville's trainer says he is a proud Romani man and nobody calls him a "gypsy"

The league football match between Getafe and Seville in Spain last weekend was marred by fans from the Getafe home side shouting racist abuse at Seville player Marcos Acuña, causing the referees to interrupt the duel for several minutes. The Seville side's trainer, who used to work with the Getafe team and is proud of his Romani origin, also complained after the match that he had been targeted with racially-motivated insults from the stands. Referees stopped the match at the 68th minute and did not resume play until the announcer called on fans to refrain from racist, xenophobic insults. According to the records of the match, Getafe fans called Acuña, who played for the victorious national team of Argentina in the 2022 World Cup, a “monkey”, among other things.

Judges did not officially mention any other incidents. However, Seville trainer Enrique “Quique” Sánchez Flores complained that some Getafe fans also targeted him for insults over his Romani origin.

“I am proud to be Roma with every pore of my body, but it’s one thing to be Roma and another to be insulted because of it,” the Seville trainer and former player said after the match. “There are fans who believe they can say whatever they want in the stadium. It happens in each and every stadium,” Sánchez Flores said, adding that some fans for Getafe did also object to the racism.

Seville defeated Getafe 1:0 and condemned the fans’ racist behavior. The interruption of the match and reprimanding of the viewers was also condoned by Getafe coach José Bordalás.

Support for the referees’ decision was also expressed on the X social media site by Brazilian footballer Vinicius Junior, who has been repeatedly targeted with racist insults while playing for Real Madrid.



The forgotten hero from Košare Roma Dalibor Dimov, on eternal guard without a bust or memorial

Dalibor Dimov, Roma nationality, Toplodolac by mother, Serb by personal declaration. That's what his comrades say about him.

In the village of Obrenovac, not far from Pirot, in the Roma family Dimov, on January 23, 1976, a boy was born, whom they named Dalibor. As a small child, Dalibor moved with his family to Pirot in a building known as "Soliter", which is why he was remembered as "Dacha from Soliter".

Dalibor served regular military service in 1995, while in 1998 he became a contract soldier. When the conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija started.

On August 4, 1998, as part of the reconnaissance-sabotage company, Dalibor was killed when the jeep in which they were patrolling in the area of the "Košare" watchtower ran into an Albanian ambush.

On December 27, 2002, a monument to fallen fighters in the wars from 1990 to 1999 was unveiled in Pirot. On one of the plaques, the name of Dalibor Dimov with the year of his birth and the year of his death is engraved. In the village of Obrenovac, a memorial fountain to the fallen soldiers was discovered on September 17, 2005, but the name of Dalibor Dimov was not found on it, but only the fallen soldiers in the wars from 1912 to 1918 and from 1941 to 1945. Only 7 years were enough to forget the name of this heroic hero. Dalibor and other fallen fighters in the wars during the 90s of the 20th century are today witnessed by a monument in the Karađorđe park on the square of the same name in Pirot. Of the 26 killed, so far only one street in Pirot has been named after one fighter. The wish of his daughter Monika, as well as his entire family, his friends and comrades, is for Dalibor to have his own square, street or at least a bust with his image in Pirot, and it would be fair if it were somewhere near the city center where Dalibor practically spent his entire life . The least he deserved from his homeland and from the city of Pirot was one street in the city where he lived.



Unanimous Approval: “Nicolae Gheorghe Square”, a Historic Decision in Romania

The General Council of Bucharest Municipality approved, on February 29, 2024, the resolution project regarding the naming of the public space located at the intersection of Sfinții Apostoli and Dr. Raul Orleanu streets in Sector 4 as “Nicolae Gheorghe Square.”

The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” is the first public space dedicated to an internationally renowned Roma personality who, throughout his career, stood out for his moral strength, dedication, and energy channelled into the process of recognizing Roma people as a national minority. This tribute to Nicolae Gheorghe’s personality and to his fight for human rights marks a new chapter in the historical reconciliation between the Roma minority and the majority population. The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” becomes a symbol of multiculturalism, inclusion, and democratic values.

The request for naming the square was made by the Roma Education Fund, the civic platform Aresel, the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Association (REDI), and the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC)

General Mayor Nicușor Dan stated “Sociologist Nicolae Gheorghe was the greatest Roma ethnic intellectual in Romania, known for his involvement in Roma civic activism in our country. Before the Revolution, he caught the attention of the Securitate (the Communist-era secret police) by sending an article to Radio Free Europe denouncing xenophobia and racism in the Communist Party’s policies.

After 1989, he intensified his efforts, playing a crucial role in recognizing the Roma community as a national minority. He held various positions, including Vice President of the International Romani Union and founding member of one of the most prestigious non-governmental organizations, Romani Criss. From 1999 to 2006, Nicolae served as a senior adviser to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Europe. His over 40 years of professional work in service of the Roma community rightfully place him among the great human rights activists worldwide.

I extend my gratitude to the general councilors for supporting this project and to Mr. Ciprian Necula for this initiative.”






The Norwegian police have a special registration for Roma

The Norwegian police have made their own secret register of Roma. Roma children and retired Roma are registered in that register. , and also the kinship ties between the Roma, informs the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten.

Solvor Mjoberg Lauritzen from Oslo started this analysis after the police released this document during an event at the police academy.

For this information, the police mentioned in the newspaper that this document is in the police archives in the Ost police district and this registration is "relativized and anonymous" and is not available to the public, who are the persons registered on that list. The list contains 650 people.



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